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นิวยอร์ก 11 เมษายน, April 12, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Notified พันธมิตรด้านเทคโนโลยีที่ได้รับความไว้วางใจจากทั่วโลกในการเป็นผู้เชี่ยวชาญด้านการประชาสัมพันธ์ นักลงทุนสัมพันธ์ และการตลาดได้ประกาศในวันนี้ว่า GlobeNewswire ได้เห็นการเพิ่มขึ้น 16% ในเรื่องของข่าวประชาสัมพันธ์ที่เผยแพร่โดยลูกค้าในช่วงสองปีที่ผ่านมา การเติบโตนี้ได้รับการตอกย้ำโดยผลการศึกษาล่าสุด ซึ่งดำเนินการโดยความร่วมมือกับ PRWeek โดยพบว่า 79% ของผู้เชี่ยวชาญด้านการประชาสัมพันธ์เชื่อว่าข่าวประชาสัมพันธ์เป็นส่วนสำคัญของสื่อผสม โดย 65% รายงานว่ากลุ่มผู้เชี่ยวชาญดังกล่าวได้ทำงานเกี่ยวกับเนื้อหาที่เผยแพร่ ‘อย่างเป็นวงกว้าง’

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สามารถดูตัวอย่างข้อมูลสื่อที่มาพร้อมกับประกาศนี้ได้โดยเลือกรูปภาพหรือลิงก์ด้านล่าง:GlobeNewswire, Notified’s Newswire Distribution Network, Distributed a Record Number of Press Releases in 2022, Resulting in a 16% Increase Over the Last Two Years: Notified Sees Continued Momentum and Provides Best Practices for Press Release Distribution

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  • ใช้มัลติมีเดียเพื่อปรับปรุงผลลัพธ์: สร้างข่าวประชาสัมพันธ์ที่ครอบคลุมและมีส่วนร่วมมากขึ้นโดยการรวมรูปภาพ วิดีโอ คลิปเสียง กราฟิก และสื่ออื่น ๆ แบบฝัง (และดาวน์โหลดได้) ในข้อความแสดงแทนรูปภาพ ให้เพิ่มคีย์เวิร์ดหรือข้อความค้นหาที่เกี่ยวข้องเพื่อเพิ่มผลลัพธ์การค้นหา ใช้ภาพที่บีบอัดและชื่อนามสกุลไฟล์มาตรฐาน เช่น .jpg หรือ .jpeg และชื่อหัวเรื่องที่สื่อความหมาย
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เรียนรู้เพิ่มเติมได้ที่ หรือติดตามเราได้ที่ ลิงกต์อิน ทวิตเตอร์หรือ บล็อกของเรา

Hannah Freedman

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8806317

Junshi Biosciences Announces Phase 3 Clinical Study of Senaparib for Advanced Ovarian Cancer Maintenance Treatment Following First-line Therapy Met Primary Endpoint

SHANGHAI, China, April 11, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Shanghai Junshi Biosciences Co., Ltd (“Junshi Biosciences”, HKEX: 1877; SSE: 688180), a leading innovation-driven biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the discovery, development, and commercialization of novel therapies, today announced that a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multi-center phase III clinical study (“FLAMES Study”, NCT04169997) investigating the poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (“PARP”) inhibitor, senaparib (product code: JS109/IMP4297), had finished its pre-specified interim analysis. Senaparib was jointly developed by Junshi Biosciences and IMPACT Therapeutics, Inc. (“IMPACT Therapeutics”), as a maintenance treatment following first-line platinum-based chemotherapy in patients with International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (“FIGO”) stage III/IV ovarian carcinoma, fallopian tube cancer or primary peritoneal cancer who achieved a complete response or partial response. The Independent Data Monitoring Committee (the “IDMC”) concluded that the primary endpoint had met the pre-defined efficacy boundary. Junshi Biosciences and IMPACT Therapeutics will communicate with regulatory authorities regarding a new drug application for the drug in the near future.

Dr. Jianjun ZOU, President of Global Research and Development at Junshi Biosciences, commented on the positive results of the FLAMES study. “As the first phase III clinical study of a domestically developed PARP inhibitor that has achieved positive results for advanced ovarian cancer maintenance treatment following first-line therapy, the FLAMES study’s interim analysis results show that senaparib can significantly extend the progression free survival (PFS) of patients with advanced ovarian cancer, regardless of the patient’s breast cancer susceptibility gene (BRCA) mutation status. We will collaborate with our partner IMPACT Therapeutics to engage in communication with regulatory agencies and look forward to expanding our commercial cancer drug portfolio to provide more effective treatment options at a lower cost for patients with advanced ovarian cancer.”

Ovarian cancer is one of the most commonly fatal malignant tumors affecting the female genital tract. According to GLOBOCAN 2020 data, around 310,000 new cases of ovarian cancer are diagnosed across the world annually, resulting in roughly 210,000 deaths every year. As the early symptoms of ovarian cancer are hidden and non-specific, around 80% of the patients with ovarian cancer are diagnosed at an advanced stage, with a five-year survival rate of only 40%. Although primary platinum-based chemotherapy can help alleviate ovarian cancer, most patients inevitably experience cancer relapse. Over the years, PARP inhibitor has revolutionized the treatment of ovarian cancer. In particular, PARP inhibitor maintenance treatment can extend the response time following first-line platinum-based chemotherapy and delay cancer relapse.

About the FLAMES Study

The FLAMES Study is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multi-center phase III clinical study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of senaparib as monotherapy maintenance treatment following first-line platinum-based chemotherapy in patients with FIGO stage III/IV ovarian cancer who have achieved complete response (CR) or partial response (PR).

About Senaparib

As a novel targeted anti-tumor drug, senaparib is a PARP inhibitor. The clinical study of senaparib was supported by the national special project for innovative manufacturing of major new drugs under the 13th Five-Year Plan, and the inspection and acceptance procedures were completed smoothly. In August 2022, the fixed dose combination capsules of senaparib and temozolomide for the treatment of adult patients with small cell lung cancer was granted orphan-drug designation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

In August 2020, Junshi Biosciences and IMPACT Therapeutics entered into a joint venture agreement to form a joint venture company. The joint venture company mainly engages in the research and development, and commercialization of small molecule anti-tumor drugs, including senaparib. IMPACT Therapeutics contributed the asset rights of senaparib within the joint venture territories of mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau Special Administrative Region. The Company and IMPACT Therapeutics each owns a 50% equity interest of the joint venture company.

About Junshi Biosciences

Founded in December 2012, Junshi Biosciences (HKEX: 1877; SSE: 688180) is an innovation-driven biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the discovery, development, and commercialization of innovative therapeutics. The company has established a diversified R&D pipeline comprising over 50 drug candidates, with five therapeutic focus areas covering cancer, autoimmune, metabolic, neurological, and infectious diseases. Junshi Biosciences was the first Chinese pharmaceutical company that obtained marketing approval for anti-PD-1 monoclonal antibody in China. Its first-in-human anti-BTLA monoclonal antibody for the treatment of various cancers was the first in the world to be approved for clinical trials by the FDA and NMPA and has since entered Phase Ib/II trials in both China and the US. Its anti-PCSK9 monoclonal antibody was the first in China to be approved for clinical trials by the NMPA.

In the face of the pandemic, Junshi Biosciences’ response was strong and immediate, joining forces with Chinese and international scientific research institutions and enterprises to develop an arsenal of drug candidates to combat COVID-19, taking the initiative to shoulder the social responsibility of Chinese pharmaceutical companies by prioritizing and accelerating COVID-19 R&D. In 2021, JS016 (etesevimab), China’s first neutralizing fully human monoclonal antibody against SARS-CoV-2 administered with bamlanivimab, was granted Emergency Use Authorizations (EUA) in over 15 countries and regions worldwide. Meanwhile, VV116 (deuremidevir hydrobromide), a novel oral nucleoside analog anti-SARS-CoV-2 drug designed to hinder virus replication, has been approved for marketing in China and Uzbekistan. The JS016 and VV116 programs are a part of the company’s continuous efforts towards innovation for disease control and prevention of the global pandemic.

Junshi Biosciences has about 3,000 employees in the United States (San Francisco and Maryland) and China (Shanghai, Suzhou, Beijing, Guangzhou, etc). For more information, please visit:

Junshi Biosciences Contact Information
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Junshi Biosciences
+ 86 021-6105 8800

PR Team:
Junshi Biosciences
Zhi Li
+ 86 021-6105 8800

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8806280

Junshi Biosciences Announces Acceptance of the Supplemental New Drug Application for Toripalimab as Perioperative Treatment for Operable NSCLC Patients

SHANGHAI, China, April 11, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Shanghai Junshi Biosciences Co., Ltd (“Junshi Biosciences”, HKEX: 1877; SSE: 688180), a leading innovation-driven biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the discovery, development, and commercialization of novel therapies, today announced the acceptance of the supplemental new drug application for toripalimab in combination with chemotherapy as perioperative treatment and toripalimab monotherapy as consolidation therapy after adjuvant therapy for the treatment of resectable stage III non-small cell lung cancer (“NSCLC”) by the National Medical Products Administration (“NMPA”).

“This newly applied indication for operable NSCLC patients will open the door to the clinical application of toripalimab in the early stages of the disease,”said Dr. Jianjun ZOU, President of Global Research and Development at Junshi Biosciences. “The Neotorch study has created a new model of perioperative immunotherapy for NSCLC in China, enabling the use of immunotherapy throughout the preoperative, postoperative, and consolidation maintenance processes. We will work closely with regulatory authorities to ensure Chinese patients can benefit from this innovative therapy first and enhance the curative prospects for those with NSCLC.”

Lung cancer is currently the second most prevalent type of cancer with the highest mortality rate in the world. According to data released by the World Health Organization, in 2020, the number of new lung cancer cases in China reached 816,000 and accounted for 17.9% of all new cancer cases in China. In the same year, the number of lung cancer deaths in China reached 715,000 and accounted for 23.8% of all cancer deaths in China. NSCLC is a major subtype of lung cancer, accounting for approximately 85% of all cases. Among these patients, 20%-25% are eligible for surgical resection at first diagnosis, but even after radical surgical treatment, 30%-55% of these patients experience post-surgical recurrence and death. While radical surgery in combination with chemotherapy can prevent recurrence, chemotherapy as preoperative neoadjuvant or postoperative adjuvant therapy has limited clinical benefit, raising the 5-year survival rate of patients by only about 5%.

This supplemental new drug application is based on the Neotorch study (NCT04158440), a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multi-center phase III clinical study led by Professor Shun LU of Shanghai Chest Hospital as the principal investigator. The study was conducted in 56 centers nationwide. Patients with operable NSCLC received toripalimab/placebo in combination with platinum-containing doublet chemotherapy as neoadjuvant and adjuvant therapy, and received toripalimab/placebo monotherapy as consolidation therapy after postoperative adjuvant therapy. The type of platinum-containing doublet chemotherapy was selected by investigators according to treatment practices of therapeutic institutions—paclitaxel in combination with cisplatin was given to patients with squamous NSCLC, while pemetrexed in combination with cisplatin was given to patients with non-squamous NSCLC.

In January 2023, an interim analysis by the Independent Data Monitoring Committee (IDMC) determined that the primary endpoint of the Neotorch study, event-free survival (“EFS”), had met the pre-defined efficacy boundary. Neotorch is the world’s first phase III registered study demonstrating that perioperative treatment with anti-PD-1 monoclonal antibody significantly extends EFS of patients with operable NSCLC. Results of the interim analysis showed that, compared with chemotherapy alone, toripalimab in combination with chemotherapy as perioperative treatment for stage III operable NSCLC patients and toripalimab monotherapy for consolidation therapy thereafter could significantly extend EFS of patients.

The comprehensive data will be disclosed internationally for the first time in an oral presentation at the ASCO Plenary Series on April 20, 2023, at 3 p.m. (U.S. Eastern time).

About Toripalimab

Toripalimab is an anti-PD-1 monoclonal antibody developed for its ability to block PD-1 interactions with its ligands, PD-L1 and PD-L2, and for enhanced receptor internalization (endocytosis function). Blocking PD-1 interactions with PD-L1 and PD-L2 promotes the immune system’s ability to attack and kill tumor cells.

More than forty company-sponsored toripalimab clinical studies covering more than fifteen indications have been conducted globally by Junshi Biosciences, including in China, the United States, Southeast Asia, and European countries. Ongoing or completed pivotal clinical trials evaluating the safety and efficacy of toripalimab cover a broad range of tumor types including cancers of the lung, nasopharynx, esophagus, stomach, bladder, breast, liver, kidney and skin.

In China, toripalimab was the first domestic anti-PD-1 monoclonal antibody approved for marketing (approved in China as TUOYI®). Currently, there are six approved indications for toripalimab in China:

  1. unresectable or metastatic melanoma after failure of standard systemic therapy;
  2. recurrent or metastatic NPC after failure of at least two lines of prior systemic therapy;
  3. locally advanced or metastatic urothelial carcinoma that failed platinum-containing chemotherapy or progressed within 12 months of neoadjuvant or adjuvant platinum-containing chemotherapy;
  4. in combination with cisplatin and gemcitabine as the first-line treatment for patients with locally recurrent or metastatic NPC;
  5. in combination with paclitaxel and cisplatin in first-line treatment of patients with unresectable locally advanced/recurrent or distant metastatic esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (“ESCC”);
  6. in combination with pemetrexed and platinum as the first-line treatment in EGFR mutation-negative and ALK mutation-negative, unresectable, locally advanced or metastatic non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer (“NSCLC”).

The first three indications have been included in the National Reimbursement Drug List (NRDL) (2022 Edition). Toripalimab is the only anti-PD-1 monoclonal antibody included in the NRDL for treatment of melanoma.

In the United States, the Biologics License Application (BLA) for toripalimab in combination with gemcitabine/cisplatin, for the first-line treatment of patients with advanced recurrent or metastatic NPC and toripalimab monotherapy for the second-line or later treatment of recurrent or metastatic NPC after platinum-containing chemotherapy is under review by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA has granted Breakthrough Therapy designations for toripalimab in combination with chemotherapy for the first-line treatment of recurrent or metastatic NPC as well as for toripalimab monotherapy in the second or third-line treatment of recurrent or metastatic NPC. Additionally, the FDA has granted Fast Track designation for toripalimab for the treatment of mucosal melanoma and Orphan Drug designations for the treatment of esophageal cancer, NPC, mucosal melanoma, soft tissue sarcoma, and small cell lung cancer (SCLC).

In Europe, marketing authorization applications (MAA) were accepted by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the United Kingdom’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) for 1) toripalimab combined with cisplatin and gemcitabine for the first-line treatment of patients with locally recurrent or metastatic NPC and 2) toripalimab combined with paclitaxel and cisplatin for the first-line treatment of patients with unresectable locally advanced/recurrent or metastatic ESCC, in December 2022 and February 2023.

About Junshi Biosciences

Founded in December 2012, Junshi Biosciences (HKEX: 1877; SSE: 688180) is an innovation-driven biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the discovery, development, and commercialization of innovative therapeutics. The company has established a diversified R&D pipeline comprising over 50 drug candidates, with five therapeutic focus areas covering cancer, autoimmune, metabolic, neurological, and infectious diseases. Junshi Biosciences was the first Chinese pharmaceutical company that obtained marketing approval for anti-PD-1 monoclonal antibody in China. Its first-in-human anti-BTLA monoclonal antibody for the treatment of various cancers was the first in the world to be approved for clinical trials by the FDA and NMPA and has since entered Phase Ib/II trials in both China and the US. Its anti-PCSK9 monoclonal antibody was the first in China to be approved for clinical trials by the NMPA.

In the face of the pandemic, Junshi Biosciences’ response was strong and immediate, joining forces with Chinese and international scientific research institutions and enterprises to develop an arsenal of drug candidates to combat COVID-19, taking the initiative to shoulder the social responsibility of Chinese pharmaceutical companies by prioritizing and accelerating COVID-19 R&D. In 2021, JS016 (etesevimab), China’s first neutralizing fully human monoclonal antibody against SARS-CoV-2 administered with bamlanivimab, was granted Emergency Use Authorizations (EUA) in over 15 countries and regions worldwide. Meanwhile, VV116 (deuremidevir hydrobromide), a novel oral nucleoside analog anti-SARS-CoV-2 drug designed to hinder virus replication, has been approved for marketing in China and Uzbekistan. The JS016 and VV116 programs are a part of the company’s continuous efforts towards innovation for disease control and prevention of the global pandemic.

Junshi Biosciences has about 3,000 employees in the United States (San Francisco and Maryland) and China (Shanghai, Suzhou, Beijing, Guangzhou, etc). For more information, please visit:

Junshi Biosciences Contact Information
IR Team:
Junshi Biosciences
+ 86 021-6105 8800

PR Team:
Junshi Biosciences
Zhi Li
+ 86 021-6105 8800

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8806277

N. Korea ups level of threats with repeated tactical nuclear attack drills: ministry

North Korea has been raising the level of threats by repeatedly holding drills simulating tactical nuclear attacks on the pretext of joint military exercises by South Korea and the United States, Seoul’s unification ministry said Wednesday.

In a report submitted to a parliamentary committee session, the ministry said the North has posed a “blatant” nuclear threat to its enemies by unveiling smaller nuclear warheads and testing various weapons.

“The North has continued to maintain its confrontational stance against the South and the U.S., while deepening its ties with China and Russia,” the ministry said.

North Korea remained unresponsive to an inter-Korean liaison communication channel for the sixth straight day Wednesday, without specifying any reasons.

Unification Minister Kwon Young-se voiced “strong” regret Tuesday over the North’s refusal to respond to the inter-Korean communication channel, calling it a “unilateral and irresponsible” move.

The ministry said it will explore cooperation with a third country or ways to use the United Nations Command’s communication channel with the North if there is a need for emergency contact with Pyongyang.

The government also said North Korea is likely to expand exchanges of personnel and trade with China and Russia.

China’s new ambassador to the North, Wang Yajun, began his official activities last week, becoming the first foreign envoy to be allowed to enter the North amid COVID-19 lockdowns.

Source: Yonhap News Agency

(LEAD) 2 opposition lawmakers’ homes, offices raided in probe into suspected illegal political funds

Prosecutors raided the residences and offices of two lawmakers of the main opposition Democratic Party (DP) on Wednesday over allegations they took tens of millions of won in illegal political funds in connection with the party’s leadership election in 2021.

The Seoul Central District Prosecutors Office sent investigators to about 20 locations, including the homes and offices of Reps. Youn Kwan-suk and Lee Sung-man in the western city of Incheon, about 27 kilometers west of Seoul, to seize evidence, such as account books from the party’s national convention in May 2021.

They are suspected of directing and encouraging funding for a particular candidate, and receiving illegal political funds in the lead-up to the election.

At the time, Youn, a third-term lawmaker, campaigned for Song Young-gil, who was elected chair at the convention. After the election, Song appointed Youn the party’s secretary-general.

Prosecutors suspect Youn received 90 million won (US$68,110) in illegal funds from Kang Rae-gu, the then head of the Association of Public Institution Auditors of Korea, via former DP Deputy Secretary General Lee Jung-geun.

The money was allegedly delivered to about 10 lawmakers and scores of delegates to the convention.

Kang now heads the Institute of Internal Auditors Korea.

Later Wednesday, Lee Jung-geun was sentenced to 4 1/2 years in prison by a Seoul court for receiving about 1 billion won (US$754,660) in bribes and illegal political funds from a businessman.

First-term lawmaker Lee Sung-man is also suspected of violating the Party Act and the Political Funds Act, officials said, with further details not yet available.

The two lawmakers denied allegations against them and protested what they called a politically-motivated investigation to repress the opposition party.

In separate statements issued later in the day, they said they have nothing to do with the case and that the prosecution has not presented clear evidence to support the suspicion surrounding them.

Source: Yonhap News Agency

U.S. expressed intent to cooperate with S. Korea over issue of leaked Pentagon documents: Seoul FM

South Korea’s top diplomat said Wednesday that Washington has expressed its intent to cooperate with Seoul in dealing with the issue of leaked Pentagon documents that purport the U.S. had eavesdropped on Seoul’s top security officials.

Foreign Minister Park Jin said during a session of the National Assembly’s foreign affairs committee that the United States takes the issue “seriously” and it has “expressed its willingness to fully cooperate with our government through close communication.”

The authenticity of the documents has gained wide attention after The New York Times and The Washington Post reported them revealing that U.S. intelligence services allegedly eavesdropped on Seoul’s internal debates about providing weapons to the U.S. for use in Ukraine.

The South Korean presidential office has rejected the eavesdropping allegations as “absurd and false.”

Park said earlier in the day that much of the information contained in the purported documents appear to have been fabricated, but later told lawmakers at the committee session that “fact-finding is of the utmost importance at the moment.”

When asked whether Seoul is willing to engage with Washington on the matter, Park said “there is no topic that cannot be discussed” between the two countries.

Source: Yonhap News Agency