Construction of Pauh Health Clinic completed, operations starting on March 27

ARAU, March 7 (Bernama) — Residents of Pauh and its vicinity can now heave a sigh of relief after work to construct the Pauh Health Clinic and its quarters are fully completed and the clinic is expected to be operational on March 27.

Construction of the Type 3 Health Clinic project was approved under the 11th Malaysia Plan (11MP) costing RM30 million which included the procurement of medical and non-medical equipment totalling RM2.5 million.

Health Ministry (MOH) deputy secretary-general (Finance) Datuk Zamzuri Abdul Aziz said about 40,000 Pauh residents and those nearby are expected to benefit from the construction of the clinic.

“It has always been MOH’s priority to strengthen the services provided at Health Clinics and at the same time educate the public to pay attention to health care,” he told reporters at the handing over ceremony of the Pauh Health Clinic here today.

Also present at the event were Public Works Department deputy director-general (Development Sector) Ir. Rahmat Abd Rahman and Perlis State Health director Dr Ismuni Bohari.

According to Zamzuri, there are two more health facilities projects still in the implementation phase besides the Pauh Health Clinic Project namely the Padang Besar Type 3 Health Clinic with quarters costing RM34.375 million and the upgrading work on Tuanku Fauziah Hospital (HTF) in Kangar valued at RM6.161 million.

“The Padang Besar Health Clinic project is expected to be ready on June 11 while the HTF Intensive Care Unit upgrading work is expected to be ready on Oct 18,” he added.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency

Cambodia to Return 15 million Promised Doses of COVID-19 Vaccines to China

Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, has decided to return to China 15 million doses of vaccines against the COVID-19 pandemic committed by the country.

“This morning, I approved the health minister’s request to return 15 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines to China so that the latter can help other vulnerable nations,” he said at the closing ceremony of the 42nd Health Conference in Phnom Penh this afternoon.

Samdech Techo Hun Sen pointed out that those 15 million doses had not yet been delivered to Cambodia, therefore the Chinese friend can donate them to other nations.

As of Mar. 6, more than 14.6 million of the total Cambodian population of 16 million have been vaccinated with the basic doses. Nearly 10.6 million got the 3rd shot while some 5 million the 4th jab, over 1.73 million the 5th dose, and almost 300,000 the 6th shot.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse

PM Anwar agrees in principle to give equal allocation to opposition MPs

KUALA LUMPUR, March 7 (Bernama) — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim today said that he agreed in principle to give an equal allocation to opposition Members of Parliament (MPs) as received by the government MPs.

However, it should start with a discussion by both parties to discuss the best method besides finding a common point of understanding.

“If there’s an understanding, it can work…I now propose that we discuss this and find the best method to do it. In principle, I have no objection to giving equal allocation to the opposition as received by the government MPs.

“The discussion process has yet to take place, but we already have hostile remarks. So let’s start the process, I will assign the Chief Whip and the relevant ministers to discuss and finalise it. The faster the better. If they get it done by tomorrow, we will approve it the next day!”

He said this in reply to Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim (PN-Arau) who wanted to know the allocation for MPs to help flood victims in their respective constituencies, during the Minister’s Question Time at the Dewan Rakyat sitting today.

Anwar, who is also Finance Minister, said that during the administration of Pagoh MP Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin as the prime minister, the opposition MPs did not receive such an allocation.

“But it’s okay. As we are now upholding the MADANI concept, we have to be fair,” he said.

Bera MP Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob, during his administration, has also held discussions with Pakatan Harapan through several engagement sessions, Anwar said.

The issue of equal allocation for the MPs has been a hot topic of discussion at the Dewan Rakyat of late.

Yesterday, Muhyiddin also proposed that the government allocate at least RM300,000 for every MP, including from the opposition, to enable them to channel aid and assistance to flood victims in their respective constituencies.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency

Assembly speaker delivers donation for quake-hit Turkey, Syria

SEOUL, National Assembly Speaker Kim Jin-pyo on Tuesday delivered 120 million won (US$92,000) to the Korean Red Cross after raising the money through donations from lawmakers and others to help quake-hit Turkey and Syria.

“We hope today’s event can be of a little help for people in Turkey and Syria that suffered unprecedented damage,” Kim said in a ceremony to deliver the money raised from lawmakers and parliamentary officials.

Turkey and Syria were hit by a 7.8-magnitude earthquake on Feb. 6.

Meanwhile, Kim’s office said the assembly speaker will leave for Istanbul on Wednesday as part of an 11-day trip to Turkey, Italy and Israel.

In Turkey, Kim will attend a MIKTA meeting, and offer condolences and support to the country. MIKTA refers to an informal consultation platform between South Korea, Mexico, Indonesia, Turkey and Australia.

In Italy and Israel, Kim will discuss improving bilateral cooperation with the countries, according to his office.

Source: Yonhap News Agency

Ahn to file complaint against senior presidential aide over alleged interference with PPP leadership race

SEOUL, The campaign of Rep. Ahn Cheol-soo, a leading contender in the ruling People Power Party (PPP)’s leadership race, said Tuesday it will file a complaint against a senior presidential secretary following revelations that presidential staffers campaigned for Ahn’s leading rival.

Unidentified officials at the office of presidential secretary for civil society have been accused of rallying support for the front-runner, Rep. Kim Gi-hyeon, while discouraging support for Ahn, in a mobile chat room with party members.

Ahn’s campaign said it plans to file a complaint against Kang Seung-kyoo, the senior presidential secretary for civil society, with the Corruption Investigation Office for High-ranking Officials over the case.

The accusations came as a four-day vote has been under way to elect a new leader of the ruling party since Saturday. The winner, unless a runoff vote takes place, will be announced Wednesday at the party’s national convention.

Kim and Ahn are considered the two top candidates in the leadership race, though Kim is leading the race by a wide margin, according to recent opinion polls. Kim is widely believed to be President Yoon Suk Yeol’s favorite.

“I think it was harder than running for president in some way … I didn’t imagine officials at the presidential office will interfere with the national convention like this,” Ahn said in a radio interview, saying he will uncover the truth.

Ahn, however, said he does not believe President Yoon would have been involved in the matter.

The remaining two candidates in the PPP leadership race, former Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn and lawyer Chun Ha-ram, have also raised concerns over the situation.

Source: Yonhap News Agency

N.K. leader’s first child is son: Seoul’s spy agency

SEOUL, The first child of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is a son, while the gender of his third child has not been confirmed, South Korea’s spy agency National Intelligence Service (NIS) was quoted as saying Tuesday.

The NIS also briefed the parliamentary intelligence committee that the North is expected to conduct large-scale military exercises in March and April that could possibly include the firing of a newly developed solid-fuel intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), according to Rep. Yun Kun-young of the main opposition Democratic Party.

“We do not have detailed evidence that his first child is a son. But we are convinced that the first child is certainly a son based on intelligence that has been shared with an external intelligence agency,” Rep. Yoo Sang-beom of the ruling People Power Party quoted the NIS as saying.

Yoo said rumors that his son has physical and mental issues have not been confirmed.

Last year, Kim revealed his apparent second child, Ju-ae, a daughter, for the first time in photos showing them attending the test-firing of an ICBM. She has since been shown accompanying leader Kim to various events and meetings, spurring speculation she might be being groomed as his successor.

But Kim’s first and third children have never been seen in public.

In a text message sent to reporters, the NIS later said it is in the process of verifying intelligence that Kim’s first child is a son.

On Ju-ae, Yoo said she has not enrolled in any official academic organization so far and has been educated at home.

She enjoys hobbies such as horseback riding, swimming and skiing, and Kim is especially satisfied with her horseback riding skills, according to intelligence, Yoo said.

The lawmaker said the NIS has not yet detected orders by the North Korean authorities forcing people named Ju-ae to change their names as reported in some media outlets.

In regard to North Korea’s possible large-scale military exercises, Yun said there are chances the North may deploy reconnaissance satellites in April in line with Kim’s instruction.

The lawmaker said the possibility of Pyongyang test launching an ICBM to fly at a normal trajectory cannot be ruled out considering technological demand and recent warnings issued by Kim Yo-jong, the North Korean leader’s sister.

On Tuesday, she warned the North is ready to take “overwhelming” actions against military activities by the Washington and Seoul, as its rivals are staging joint military drills involving American strategic assets.

The NIS also reported the North is believed to be short of about 800,000 tons of rice annually, but the number of people starved to death is not at a level that poses a threat to the regime, according to the lawmakers.

Source: Yonhap News Agency